Alright, let’s talk about it. Let’s answer the age old question, which is in the same line as “why are we here?” and “what happens after we die”? Let’s take a look at how you’d actually have sex in space. Has it ever been done before? Can it even be done? Let’s look at the issue with a scientific, dead serious, and above all mature look. Having sex in space is an interesting subject, and alluring for many reasons. Not in the least because floating around weightless would give sexual
Read More The continent is ravaged with civil wars, disease, poverty and starvation, but Africa is using space programs more and more to combat those problems. Several countries have launched initiatives to use satellite technology and have set up astronomy programs. Let’s take a look at all space initiatives of ‘the forgotten continent’. South Africa By far the country with the largest space program on the continent. South Africa has a large and active space sector which is both government and privately funded. The country utilizes several satellites for remote sensing purposes
Read More SpaceX is going to the moon. In 2018, Elon Musks enterprise wants to be the first private company to not only put people in space, but also to take them beyond low Earth orbit (LEO) for the first time in 45 years. The plans are very exciting, but there’s still a lot of work to be done before the mission will take off. When SpaceX says it’s “going back to the moon”, it doesn’t mean quite something similar to the Apollo-missions (at least the landing-missions from Apollo 11 and up).
Read More Being an astronaut is still a pretty dangerous profession, with a fatality rate of no less than 4% despite everyone’s intense efforts to prevent serious accidents. But what would happen though, if one of the astronauts in the ISS died now? What happens if you die in space? Turns out, there’s not really a protocol for that… Let’s start with The only deaths that (probably) occurred in space are those of the crew members of Soyuz 11, (Georgiy Dobrovolsky, Vladislav Volkov and Viktor Patsayev), who had died during their descent
Read More Het wordt binnenkort mogelijk een .space-domeinnaam te registreren. Het ICANN heeft het zogeheten top-level-domein beschikbaar gesteld, zodat of binnenkort mogelijke domeinnamen worden. Het domein wordt sinds begin deze maand uitgebaat door DotSpace Inc., die de rechten daarvoor overgekocht hebben van ICANN. Er zijn voor zover bekend nog geen domeinnamen uitgegeven, maar dat zal snel komen. Vooral instanties als NASA en ESA zullen ongetwijfeld een .space-domein willen hebben, maar ook voor bedrijven als SpaceX of Virgin Galactic zal een dergelijk domein interessant zijn. Top-level-domeinen Top-level-domeinen (TLD’s) zijn sinds 2011
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